
发布时间:2023年5月10日 17:18




化学成分检测是中厚板质量控制过程中非常重要的一步。这个步骤主要是为了关注板材的成分是否符合国家标准。 through the chemical composition testing method, the chemical content of the plate is tested, including carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, manganese and other main components. If the chemical composition of the plate is not up to the standard, it may lead to problems such as poor welding performance, low strength, low toughness and easy cracking.


尺寸检测是中厚板检测过程中必须的一项。The size detection ensures that the plate meets the standards, and minimizes the incidence of problems during production and use. The size detection mainly includes length, width, thickness and flatness detection. The length and width detection mainly involves the use of a vernier caliper or a micrometer, while the thickness detection mainly uses an ultrasonic thickness gauge.


中厚板的表面质量检测主要检测其平整度、表面粗糙度、伤口、磨损等。检测方法主要有目测检测、钢球压痕测试,电解砂浆法。 Generally, a smooth and flat surface is preferable for the plate, and any dents, scratches, or other surface defects can affect its performance.


中厚板的冲击试验和拉伸试验是检测板材强度和韧性的有效方法。 The impact test measures a material's ability to absorb energy under sudden impact, and helps determine the material's toughness. On the other hand, the tensile test measures the material's ability to resist breaking under tension.


中厚板的焊接性能直接影响其使用效果。 Checking the welding properties of the plate assures proper and effective joint formation. The main testing methods include visual inspection, radiographic inspection, and ultrasonic testing.
